Creating Certainty in Times of Uncertainty

with Sheetal Sujan

A Simple Guide to Manage Your Life in Uncertain Times!

Oct 16, 2020
EST: 12:00-13:30 • Suriname: 13:00-14:30 • Netherlands: 18:00-19:30

Missed the webinar? Here’s your chance to watch it!


Creating Certainty in Times of Uncertainty

with Sheetal Sujan

A Simple Guide to Manage Your Life in Uncertain Times!

Oct 16, 2020
EST: 12:00-13:30 • Suriname: 13:00-14:30 • Netherlands: 18:00-19:30

Missed the webinar? Here’s your chance to watch it!

It's been a crazy year!!!

Since COVID-19, our world has been turned upside down, and we’ve had to learn new ways of living and surviving. I know that right now your emotions are getting the better of you.
You are not alone!

We all go through ups and downs during uncertain times, and look for things that can bring us comfort, motivation, and ease during difficult times. Uncertainty can be rough, frustrating, and downright scary, and we look for any form of certainty to stay sane and find a way to keep moving forward. But as human beings, we are adaptable, tough, and resilient. With the right tools, we can ride uncertainty with ease!


It's been a crazy year!!!

Since COVID-19, our world has been turned upside down, and we’ve had to learn new ways of living and surviving. I know that right now your emotions are getting the better of you.
You are not alone!

We all go through ups and downs during uncertain times, and look for things that can bring us comfort, motivation, and ease during difficult times. Uncertainty can be rough, frustrating, and downright scary, and we look for any form of certainty to stay sane and find a way to keep moving forward. But as human beings, we are adaptable, tough, and resilient. With the right tools can ride uncertainty with ease!


Here's what I'll cover in this FREE Webinar!


Understand the role of Uncertainty

Uncertainty can be referred to anything that is unknown. This can make one anxious, especially when it comes to the future. While some of us may easily go with the flow, some of us need a plan in place to feel a sense of certainty in an uncertain world. Find out how uncertainty can make you more resilient during changing times.


How to Create Certainty in Uncertain Times

Learn what you can do to stay calm, and manage uncertain times with ease. With the right practices and habits, we can influence some certainty that allows us to stay calm and have a sense of hope for the future.


What you can do to take back the Control

You are more in control of your life than you think. Find out what you can do to turn your life around and take charge regardless of setbacks and disappointments, and learn what you need to do to regain control of your life.

This is for you if...

  • You want to feel unstuck
  • You want to feel more in control
  • You want to learn how to create more certainty
  • You want to feel a sense of ease
  • You want to feel motivated about the future
  • You want to manage your emotions

This is for you if...

  • You want to feel unstuck
  • You want to feel more in control
  • You want to learn how to create more certainty
  • You want to feel a sense of ease
  • You want to feel motivated about the future
  • You want to manage your emotions
Missed it? We've got you covered!

We understand that sometimes you cannot make it. We’ve recorded the webinar and will be happy to send it to you. Just click the button below and we’ll send it right over.

Let's get more confident about the future!

I know what it feels like when life is uncertain and it feels as if everything is falling apart.
You’re worried and stressed and the unexpected turn of events can hijack your emotions creating chaos and confusion mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.
Luckily I learned some great tools that helped me cope and manage my uncertainties in 2020, and I know that these tools will really help you to feel more confident about your life, and your future, regardless of the set backs.

Hey it's Sheetal

I am a business owner, wife, and a mama of two toddlers. I am passionate about teaching, and have successfully been creating and teaching courses for over 12 years in topics such as productivity, leadership, communication, teambuilding, and emotional intelligence.

I love to share amazing tools to help people in both their personal and professional lives. 

I greatly value family time, and I know how hard 2020 has been for most families, especially those trying to cope with losses this year. But there are ways to rise above this, and you’re so much stronger than you know. If you join me in this webinar, I will share some perspective, and things you can do to manage your emotions during uncertain times.

Stay kind and be safe!

See you soon!

Sheetal Sujan