Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Privacy, Data, Terms of Use Agreement and Liability Disclaimer for Lybra Learning LLC. and its e-courses

This site is operated by LYBRA LEARNING LLC. (LYBRA) You can contact us anytime via learning@lybragroup.com or info@lybragroup.com
You can email us to unsubscribe or ask about our data policies, which are all below.
At LYBRA we respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use and share data about you. By giving us your email or any personal information, with our without purchase, you agree to all the terms of this ‘Privacy, Data, Terms of Use Agreement and Liability Disclaimer for Lybra Learning LLC (AGREEMENT) and its e-courses’. You should not use any or our sites or purchase any of our products if you do not agree with this agreement that governs your use of our sites, services, or programs.

If you have any questions about these policies, terms of use, or wish to unsubscribe, you may contact us by mail or email:
Mailing address of LYBRA LEARNING LLC:
10481 NW 36th Street
Miami, FL., US 33178
E-mail address of LYBRA LEARNING LLC:
For e-course related matters: learning@lybragroup.com
For other matters: info@lybragroup.com

The following PRIVACY, DATA, TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER’ are subject to change at any time, without notice, and at the sole discretion of the site owner and operator. Please visit the site regularly for updates.