Choose the response that best fits.
1 = “Strongly Disagree” or the lowest, most negative impression
3 = “Neither agree nor disagree,” or an adequate impression
5 = “Strongly Agree”, or the highest most positive impression
5= Strongly Agree | 4= Agree | 3= Neither Agree/ Disagree | 2=Disagree | 1= Strongly Disagree
Coaching CONTENT
This session increased my knowledge about MBTI
The session lived up to my expectations.
The content is relevant to my job.
The session allowed me to get to know myself better.
The session allowed me to get to know my colleagues better.
Coaching DESIGN
The activities stimulated my learning.
The level of the sessions was appropriate.
The pace of the sessions was appropriate.
The duration of the sessions was appropriate.
The trainer was well prepared.
The trainer was understandable.
The trainer was interesting.
The trainer was helpful.
I will be able to use what I learned during these sessions.
I would recommend this session to others.