MBTI® Personality Assessments

“A path towards self-awareness & self-development”
– Isabel Briggs Myers

Learn Personality Insights to Guide Your Success to improve Communication & Leadership Skills

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katherine Cook Briggs. Their aim was to create a tool to indicate, validate and put to practical use C.G. Jung’s work on psychological type.

After 70 years of research and development, the
current MBTI® assessment is the most widely used instrument for understanding normal personality differences.

The assessment explains basic patterns in human functioning, the MBTI® too is used for a wide variety of purposes including Self-understanding and development, Career development and exploration, Team building, Management and Leadership training, Problem-solving, Conflict Management, Executive Coaching, and Stress Management.


Using the MBTI®

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® also referred to as the MBTI® instrument, is a psychometric tool that has helped millions around the globe to learn more about themselves, and others. It helps support your personal and professional growth, it supports your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and it helps you understand why you do what you do. It helps give you insights into what makes you, you!

The goal of the tool is to enrich people’s understanding of themselves and others. This assessment is most effective in learning not only about yourself, but how you relate to others, how you are different, and how you can bridge a gap with the differences you have with those around you, and how to increase your personal and professional growth.  Knowing and understanding your strengths and your challenges allows you to make better life decisions, helps you communicate effectively with others, but most importantly supports you in the relationships you build and create with others.


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Measures Your personality in four areas


Where do you get your energy?



How do you take in information?



How do you make decisions?



How do you organize your world?


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® also referred to as the MBTI® instrument, is a psychometric tool that has helped millions around the globe to learn more about themselves, and others. It helps support your personal and professional growth, it supports your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and it helps you understand why you do what you do. It helps give you insights into what makes you, you!

The goal of the tool is to enrich people’s understanding of themselves and others. This assessment is most effective in learning not only about yourself, but how you relate to others, how you are different, and how you can bridge a gap with the differences you have with those around you, and how to increase your personal and professional growth.  Knowing and understanding your strengths and your challenges allows you to make better life decisions, helps you communicate effectively with others, but most importantly supports you in the relationships you build and create with others.


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Measures Your personality in four areas


Where do you get your energy?



How do you take in information?



How do you make decisions?​



How do you organize your world?​


Program Outcomes

Get to know you

Find out what makes you, you. What makes you different and what makes you tick! The more you understand your strengths, the higher your sense of self-awareness, the better life decisions you make.

Get to know and appreciate others

The tool allows us to understand the strengths of those around us, and how to connect with the best to build strong bonds and relationships. Find out what makes others different from you and you can bridge the gap of your differences to grow stronger together as an individual, as partners, and as a team.

Get into action

Use what you know and make better life decisions. Use the tools to engage, create, and perform in your truest nature. Use your strengths to enhance your true talents, and practice new skills through the lens of your non-preference to enjoy the best of both worlds.


Help you understand your personality based on its framework, but most importantly help you understand how you:

  • Communicate
  • Make Decisions
  • Manage Your Stressors
  • Work in Teams
  • Collaborate with Others
  • Lead Others
  • Understand Yourself & Others
  • And so much more…


It’s important to know that there is no assessment in the world that can measure your entire personality. Every assessment and tool is limited. With that being said, the MBTI® cannot:

  • Predict performance
  • Measure skill, talent, and intelligence
  • Reveal your perfect partner
  • Tell you whom to hire
  • Tell you what your perfect job is


Help you understand your personality based on its framework, but most importantly help you understand how you:

  • Communicate
  • Make Decisions
  • Manage Your Stressors
  • Work in Teams
  • Collaborate with Others
  • Lead Others
  • Understand Yourself & Others
  • And so much more…


It’s important to know that there is no assessment in the world that can measure your entire personality. Every assessment and tool is limited. With that being said, the MBTI® cannot:

  • Predict performance
  • Measure skill, talent, and intelligence
  • Reveal your perfect partner
  • Tell you whom to hire
  • Tell you what your perfect job is

Check out this short teaser

Get an impression of the MBTI workshop we did for the GISsat Team

Gissat Team MBTI Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no personality assessment that can measure every aspect of human personality. All models used in different personality assessments use a small number of descriptors.

The MBTI® focuses on four preference pairs:

This isn’t to say that everyone who has a preference for Sensing, for example, is alike in every aspect. Personality is more complex than that! However, sorting people into the 16 types based on certain aspects of personality can illustrate how people are alike and how they are different.

Genuine MBTI® assessments are copyrighted and only accessible by individuals who are MBTI® Certified Practitioners. Practitioners provide you with a link to complete the assessment and set up a meeting with you to provide you with the interpretation of the tool. 

The MBTI® assessment is backed up by 75 years of research and continues to be refined and updated.

The MBTI® assessment is not intended for use in the selection of job candidates, nor for making internal decisions regarding job placement, selection for teams or task forces, or other similar activities.

 It is unethical to require job applicants to take the assessment if the results will be used to screen out applicants.

The MBTI® tool is primarily used for the development of individuals not for selection purposes.

If your MBTI® assessment included detailed and thorough feedback from a Practitioner providing you with guidelines and insights to your “best fit type”, there is no need to take it again if you know your MBTI® type. However, if you are uncertain about your TYPE and unaware of how your type impacts your life events and decision-making, it may be worthwhile to revisit the tool with a certified practitioner. 

The instrument should always be interpreted by a certified and licensed MBTI® Practitioner. You should not merely be handed a report of your assessment. The assessment must always include an interpretive session with a certified and licensed MBTI® Practitioner. During the sessions the Practitioner will discuss and interpret the results of the assessment and determine the “best fit type” with the client. 

Trainings Offered

The MBTI® Communication Program

Communication in the workplace can be a huge challenge when dealing with a team that has differing personalities. It can be a cause of frustration, anxiety, and stress overall if you do not take the time to understand the values that each differing personality brings to the work floor.

When team members understand each other, and the different perspectives that each member brings, they will learn to appreciate each other, value each other’s input, and create a stronger bond with their team.

In this program, you will learn your communication style, and your team’s communication style, and what you and your team need to work on to bridge the communication gap. 

The MBTI® Leadership Program

Find out your leadership style through MBTI® & FITO-B

Inspirational leaders are those that empower individuals, transform an organization, and provide purpose and meaning for individuals. Under such
leadership, employees feel valued and share a common goal and vision. Creating such an environment requires great talent, skill, and knowledge but most importantly knowledge of self in order to serve others.

In this program you will find out your unique leadership style, your strengths, challenges, and receive a unique report that comes with action points based on your “best fit type”. 


The MBTI® Personal Impact Program

What is your personal impact?

Personal impact has been defined as “the action of one object coming forcibly in contact with another: to have a marked effect or influence; a strong effect”. Individuals today, especially leaders, have the ability to make a difference and a strong connection with people they come across. Their ability to connect with others and their work values say a lot about their ability to strategize, envision, inspire, persuade, sell, convince, motivate and educate people to achieve common goals.

In this program you’ll learn about how you impact your personal and work life and that of others. 

Contact us!

Kindly click the button below to do a quick intake to provide us with some information about your organization’s goals and needs.
Our trainers will then contact you to set up a meeting.