News & Articles

The Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Leaders with Sheetal Sujan

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders What it is and why it’s important? On January 6 and 7, 2023, Sheetal Sujan facilitated a professional development workshop entitled “The Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Leaders.” The program was attended by 16 participants and focused on the importance of emotional intelligence as a foundation for effective leadership and strong team […]

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Min. Fin. BHP bureau director meeting

Lybra integrates ArcGIS Dashboard for Ministry of Finance Suriname

Herstel Plan Suriname Information System The Ministry of Finance is linking their ‘Herstel Plan Information System’ with an ArcGIS Dashboard. The information system enables the ‘Bureau Herstel Plan’ to centrally store all relevant project related information. The web-based information system is easy accessible for all ministries and directorates who participate as project team members in

Lybra integrates ArcGIS Dashboard for Ministry of Finance Suriname Read More »

Sheetal Sujan - Director Lybra n.v. and Stef De Ridder - Director of GISsat n.v.

First New Esri Bronze Partner in Suriname awarded to Lybra

We are proud to announce the 1st new Bronze partnership with Esri inc. has been awarded to Lybra. Esri is the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software development, location intelligence, and mapping. GISsat n.v. is the local Esri distributor in Suriname. Lybra specializes in digital transformations by optimizing processes, developing tailored information systems integrated with ArcGIS Online.
This partnership recognizes a new level of commitment towards integrating information systems with ArcGIS Online.
With a strong collaboration between GISsat and Lybra, our mutual customers will benefit even more from tailor made solutions built specifically for their needs.

First New Esri Bronze Partner in Suriname awarded to Lybra Read More »

Krieshen Ramkhelawan Digital Transformation Ministry Social Affairs Suriname

Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Suriname facilitated by Lybra

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing (MSAPH) in Suriname has started its digital transformation in 2021. One of the initiatives is funded from the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) managed by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). BNTF has impacted over 3 million people in poor communities since 1979. Countries receiving grants are Belize,

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Case Study: GMD naar Delfstoffeninstituut

Context In 2019 is het Ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen (NH) met middelen van de Wereldbank (WB)(Report nr.: PAD3081, Project ID: 166187) begonnen met het werkelijk versterken, transformeren en hervormen de mijnbouwsector. Een onderdeel daarvan is de transformatie van het Geologisch Mijnbouwkundige Dienst (GMD) naar het Delfstoffeninstuut van Suriname (DIS). Suriname heeft zich gecommitteerd aan de

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Case Study: Digitale Transformatie Domeinkantoor

Context In 2017 is het Ministerie van Ruimtelijke Ordening, Grond- en Bosbeheer (ROGB) begonnen met een traject van digitalisering en automatisering van het grond-aanvraagproces. Met de technische ondersteuning van de e-Government unit is er een IT infrastructuur opgezet. In samenwerking met het bedrijf Lybra Training, Coaching en Consulting N.V. (Lybra) is er gewerkt aan het

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